

Senin, 06 Februari 2012

Kursor akan menampilkan efek bintang berjatuhan pada saat mouse diseret. Caranya mudah. Berikut langkahnya :
1. Login ke akun blogger anda
2. Klik Rancangan kemudian klik Tambag Gadget
3. Pilih HTML/JavaScript
4. Copy paste kode berikut dan letakkan dimana saja. Agar tidak mengganggu posisi tata letak blog sebaiknya ditempatkan dibawah saja

Cari kode yang berwarna merah diatas dan gantilah sesuai dengan kode warna keinginan sobat

Terakhir simpan dan efek bintang jatuh dari cursor sudah dapat sobat lihat

Kode kode warna dapat dilihat disini http://alinz.wen.ru/colour.html

sumber :http://partydorks.blogdetik.com/2011/05/11/cara-membuat-efek-bintang-jatuh- dari-kursor-pada-blogdetik/

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009

<...nih my father ...>

nich mother Q ...

Jumat, 29 Mei 2009

Peter was ten, and his sister jane was eight. They live in chardif . One day the saw a picture in news paper,and jane said to her mother ,"there's going to be a circus in cardiff next week. Please take us there"
the chlidren mother bought ticket,and on saturday evening peter and jane and their mother went to the circus.
Some time later a girl came in . She put a cake in her mounth and a lion came and took the cake out of her mounth.
A man in a red coat shouted to the people, "who's going to do the same for $ 100?"
no body answered . But then a funny man stood up and said ,"all right ..... But first take the lion away !

english book

Kamis, 18 Desember 2008

hi ...........................................
my name is Hendra Fahlevi
I live in seberang taluk ( riau )

saya alumni
di sekolah ku ada dari 5 jurusan:
  • T K J

SMK Negri 2

Taluk kuantan

Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional

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